I am trying to port some code from asp to aspx(c#) that I use to get the
LDAP path of the logged on user so that I can bind to that user in the
active directory and get various properties.
The code I used is as follows:
Dim ADSysinfo,UserInfoString,strLDAP,oUser,grps,iGroups
Set ADSysinfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
UserInfoString = ADSysinfo.Username
strLDAP = "LDAP://DC1/" & UserInfoString
set oUser = GetObject(strLDAP)
I know I can bind to a user object using system.directoryservices in .net
and something like
oUser = new DirectoryEntry(strUserADsPath);
but how do I retrieve the strUserAdsPath of the currently logged on user
like I used to with the ADSystemInfo object?
Thanks in advance
I am trying to port some code from asp to aspx(c#) that I use to get the
LDAP path of the logged on user so that I can bind to that user in the
active directory and get various properties.
The code I used is as follows:
Dim ADSysinfo,UserInfoString,strLDAP,oUser,grps,iGroups
Set ADSysinfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
UserInfoString = ADSysinfo.Username
strLDAP = "LDAP://DC1/" & UserInfoString
set oUser = GetObject(strLDAP)
I know I can bind to a user object using system.directoryservices in .net
and something like
oUser = new DirectoryEntry(strUserADsPath);
but how do I retrieve the strUserAdsPath of the currently logged on user
like I used to with the ADSystemInfo object?
Thanks in advance