Aussie Rules
I have a adrotator control on a page, and want to program the connection of
the control via SQL.
I have the following code which doesn't seem to do much, and not sure what
else to do?
Dim SQLServerConnection As SqlConnection
Dim SqlConnectionCls As New clsSQL
SQLServerConnection = SqlConnectionCls.Connect
Dim SqlCommand As New SqlCommand
With SqlCommand
.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
.Connection = SQLServerConnection
.CommandTimeout = 15
.CommandText = "sproc_GetAddDetails"
End With
Me.AdRotator1.DataSource = SqlCommand
AdRotator1.ImageUrlField = "advert_image"
AdRotator1.NavigateUrlField = "advert_URLlink"
I have a adrotator control on a page, and want to program the connection of
the control via SQL.
I have the following code which doesn't seem to do much, and not sure what
else to do?
Dim SQLServerConnection As SqlConnection
Dim SqlConnectionCls As New clsSQL
SQLServerConnection = SqlConnectionCls.Connect
Dim SqlCommand As New SqlCommand
With SqlCommand
.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
.Connection = SQLServerConnection
.CommandTimeout = 15
.CommandText = "sproc_GetAddDetails"
End With
Me.AdRotator1.DataSource = SqlCommand
AdRotator1.ImageUrlField = "advert_image"
AdRotator1.NavigateUrlField = "advert_URLlink"