adress bar disapppeared


mike t.

While on line on a web page my adress bar went away.When
moving over a link the adress will appearat the bottom of
the page. It is checked under the view menue. Any

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

mike t. said:
While on line on a web page my adress bar went away.When
moving over a link the adress will appearat the bottom of
the page. It is checked under the view menue. Any

Right click the toolbar and make sure that Lock Toolbars is not checked and
that Address Bar is checked.
Grab the handle at the left end of each toolbar and drag them down. One of
them is probably hiding the Address bar.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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Belinda Boulter

My toolbar layout has become very unstable - whether it
is "locked" or not. The Address Bar moves, the Links move
over to the far right corner so they're not visible, the
Google toolbar moves. I reorganize everything and select
Lock but next time I open the browser they're all
different again.

I'm using a 3-month old Dell Inspiron 600m. But I've only
noticed this problem recently. The Google toolbar has
been perfectly well-behaved since I started using it a
year ago, so I don't think it's the culprit. Anybody else
experience this behavior??

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