ADP crash bug -- report submitted to MS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mekkala
  • Start date Start date


Guys, I've submitted the following report to Microsoft regarding a bug
I've found in Access Data Projects:

Problem Description: According to my testing (which was extensive), this
error occurs after calling the Form.Recordset property on a form in an
Access Data Project connected to a SQL Server 2000 database. After any
such call, an attempt to change the data in a control on the form causes
MSAccess to experience a fatal error, with the error message, "Microsoft
Access had encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for
the inconvenience."

To reproduce this problem, create a SQL Server 2000 database with at
least one table containing at least one field. Create an ADP connected
to that database, and create a form with an updatable control connected
to one of the fields in your test table. Add a command button to the
form, and in the OnClick event, enter any line of code that calls the
Form.Recordset property. Form.Recordset.Movenext will do the trick, as
will any other statement involving Form.Recordset.

Save the form and run it. Try changing the value of the field. It should
work fine. Then, click the command button, calling the Form.Recordset
property. Afterwards, any attempt to change the data in any field on the
form should cause Access to crash. The problem will disappear when you
next open Access and run the form, but if you once click that command
button, the problem appears again.

I need that Form.Recordset property in my applications. It is possible,
usually, to work around using it, but it has become inordinately time-
consuming to continually develop solutions that circumvent the use of
the Form.Recordset property -- especially since many actions that can be
taken with Form.Recordset do not have equivalents in the Form object.
RecordsetClone is useful, as it does not have this problem, but when I
need to perform actions that affect the form's recordset itself, I
cannot use RecordsetClone. Futhermore, modifying a separate ADO
recordset and using Set Form.Recordset = rst also causes this bug to
appear, so I cannot work around it that way. If you guys could find what
is causing this and what I can do to prevent it, that would be
fantastic. Thanks ;)
Problem Area: Other
Frequency of problem: Always Happens
Operating system / version: Windows XP

I'm posting this for two reasons: One, so that people here will be aware
of this bug for future reference, and two, in case anyone here knows of
a solution to this problem. I'm hoping there will be an easy fix --
some precaution that it is necessary to take to avoid this problem.
However, if not, I can only submit the ticket and hope we get a patch or
a Service Pack sometime soon that addresses the issue.

Anyway, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Even a simple note
that you've also encountered this problem would be helpful, as I have no
doubt that Microsoft techicians regularly read these groups to see which
bugs are showstopping problems and which ones are not.
Guys, I've submitted the following report to Microsoft regarding a bug
I've found in Access Data Projects:

Problem Description: According to my testing (which was extensive), this
error occurs after calling the Form.Recordset property on a form in an
Access Data Project connected to a SQL Server 2000 database. After any
such call, an attempt to change the data in a control on the form causes
MSAccess to experience a fatal error, with the error message, "Microsoft
Access had encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for
the inconvenience."

To reproduce this problem, create a SQL Server 2000 database with at
least one table containing at least one field. Create an ADP connected
to that database, and create a form with an updatable control connected
to one of the fields in your test table. Add a command button to the
form, and in the OnClick event, enter any line of code that calls the
Form.Recordset property. Form.Recordset.Movenext will do the trick, as
will any other statement involving Form.Recordset.

Save the form and run it. Try changing the value of the field. It should
work fine. Then, click the command button, calling the Form.Recordset
property. Afterwards, any attempt to change the data in any field on the
form should cause Access to crash. The problem will disappear when you
next open Access and run the form, but if you once click that command
button, the problem appears again.

I need that Form.Recordset property in my applications. It is possible,
usually, to work around using it, but it has become inordinately time-
consuming to continually develop solutions that circumvent the use of
the Form.Recordset property -- especially since many actions that can be
taken with Form.Recordset do not have equivalents in the Form object.
RecordsetClone is useful, as it does not have this problem, but when I
need to perform actions that affect the form's recordset itself, I
cannot use RecordsetClone. Futhermore, modifying a separate ADO
recordset and using Set Form.Recordset = rst also causes this bug to
appear, so I cannot work around it that way. If you guys could find what
is causing this and what I can do to prevent it, that would be
fantastic. Thanks ;)
Problem Area: Other
Frequency of problem: Always Happens
Operating system / version: Windows XP

I'm posting this for two reasons: One, so that people here will be aware
of this bug for future reference, and two, in case anyone here knows of
a solution to this problem. I'm hoping there will be an easy fix --
some precaution that it is necessary to take to avoid this problem.
However, if not, I can only submit the ticket and hope we get a patch or
a Service Pack sometime soon that addresses the issue.

Anyway, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Even a simple note
that you've also encountered this problem would be helpful, as I have no
doubt that Microsoft techicians regularly read these groups to see which
bugs are showstopping problems and which ones are not.

Also, I'm curious -- anyone know why I've been seeing this problem and, it
appears, nobody else on the Web ever has? I've done Google searches out
the ass on this, and I can't find even one incident. Not even unanswered
questions about this. Do other Access programmers avoid the Form.Recordset
property for some reason? If so, why?
On Mon 30 Aug 2004 01:41:32p, Mekkala <[email protected]>
kicked back with a beer, ruminated at length, fell asleep, woke up, lit up
a joint, then fell asleep again after thoughtfully blurting out:

Oh yes, one more thing. I forgot to say that the crash happens only when
the value of the field is set *in code* -- which means, by the way, that it
also happens whenever the user clicks on a checkbox.