I append a view with ADOX Catalog and View object to an access 2000
database, the object can be used but is completly hidden?
database, the object can be used but is completly hidden?
Are you talking about a view involved tables in a Jet database (i.e. an
MDB), or in some other RDMS? If it's Jet, you're far better off using DAO
than ADOX.
Yes i am talking about views using tables in a jet database.
This more or less well known code works fine with the exception that
these created views are not visible, but can be used.
ADOX::Catalog ^cat = gcnew Catalog();
ADODB::Command ^adocmd = gcnew ADODB::Command;
adocmd->CommandText = "SELECT settings.* FROM settings;";
thx & kr/Werner Broser