ADODB to ADO.NET conversion

  • Thread starter Thread starter sck10
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I am using the following in ASP.NET 2.0 VB using ADODB (which is working).
I would like to convert this to csharp using ADO.NET.

To build the connection, I am trying to convert:

LDAP_CONN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
LDAP_CONN.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
LDAP_COM = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
LDAP_COM.ActiveConnection = LDAP_CONN
RS = LDAP_CONN.Execute(strSQL)


OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("ADsDSOObject");
OleDbDataReader rdr = null;
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, conn);
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

When I run this, I get the following error:

Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification
starting at index 0 (for OleDbConnection conn = new

Also, should the value that I have for LDAP_CONN.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
be used for the OleDbConnection?

Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks, sck10

VB Code

Dim stlPost As SortedList = New SortedList()
Dim strValue As String = ""
Me.lblMessageText.Text = ""

Dim LDAP_CONN As Object, LDAP_COM As Object, RS As Object
Dim tmp As Object = "", Item As Object = ""

Dim strFields As String = "ntUserDomainId, employeeNumber, uid, cn,
telephonenumber, mail "
Dim strLDAP As String =
"'LDAP://' "
Dim strWhere01 As String = "WHERE employeenumber='" & strHRID & "' "
Dim strWhere02 As String = "OR uid='" & strHRID & "'"
Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT " & strFields & " FROM " & strLDAP &
strWhere01 & strWhere02 & " ORDER BY sn"

LDAP_CONN = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
LDAP_CONN.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
LDAP_COM = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
LDAP_COM.ActiveConnection = LDAP_CONN
RS = LDAP_CONN.Execute(strSQL)

For Each Item In Split(Replace(strFields, " ", ""), ",")
tmp = RS(Item).Value
strValue = tmp(0).ToString
If Item.ToString = "ntUserDomainId" Then strValue = tmp ' Can't handle
"\" in domain\sck10
stlPost.Add(Item.ToString, strValue)
'Me.lblPost.Text &= Item.ToString & ": " & tmp(0).ToString & "<br />"
'Response.Write(Item & ": " & tmp(0) & "<br />") 'If Not
IsNull(tmp) Then Response.Write(tmp(0))

stlPost.TrimToSize() ' Trim the list

'Asign values from Array
Dim strCN As String = stlPost("cn").ToString
Me.hdnLDAPLastName.Value = Trim(Left(strCN, InStrRev(strCN, ",") - 1))
Me.hdnLDAPFirstName.Value = Trim(Mid(strCN, InStrRev(strCN, ",") + 1))
Me.hdnLDAPEmail.Value = Trim(stlPost("mail").ToString)
Me.hdnLDAPTelephone.Value = Trim(stlPost("telephonenumber").ToString)

Catch ex As Exception
Me.pnMessage.Visible = True
End Try
Hello Steve,

From the code snippet you provided, you used to use the OLEDB provider to
query some LDAP directory storage and want to uprade the code into .NET
code, correct?

Based on my experience, in .net framework, the classes under the
System.DirectoryServices namespace are the prefered ones for manipulating
LDAP , ActiveDirectory service. For your scenario, if you want to query
some objects from a LDAP storage, you can use the "DirectorySearcher" class
which can be constructed with a LDAP connectionstring and some additional
search filter or optional properties. e.g.

#the following function use DirectorySearcher to query the user objects in
the domain
Protected Sub btnQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click


Dim connstr =
DC=Microsoft, DC=com"


Dim entry As New
,DC=corp, DC=Microsoft, DC=com")

Dim mySearcher As New DirectorySearcher(entry)

mySearcher.Filter =
"(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(Displayname=Steven Cheng))"

Dim mySearchResult As SearchResultCollection =

Dim result As SearchResult = mySearchResult(0)

Dim item As DirectoryEntry = result.GetDirectoryEntry()

Response.Write("<br/>Name: " & item.Name)

For Each props As PropertyValueCollection In item.Properties

Response.Write("<br/>" & props.PropertyName & ": " &

'if you want to print out all the property values
'If (props.Count > 0) Then
' For Each obj As Object In props
' Response.Write("<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" &

' Next
'End If


Catch ex As Exception

Response.Write("<br/>" & ex.ToString())
End Try

End Sub

here are some other good reference and examples about ADSI programming
through VB.NET:

#Quick List for Visual Basic 2005 Code Examples

#Active Directory and VB.NET


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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Thank you very much for your help.

I got it to work, but I had to add:
entry.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.None;

Is this the default? I noticed that a lot of the examples on the web
don't show this in their examples.

Thanks again, sck10

DirectoryEntry entry = new
entry.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.None;
DirectorySearcher mySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
mySearcher.Filter = "(&(objectclass=person)(employeenumber=" + HRID +
SearchResultCollection mySearchResult = mySearcher.FindAll();
SearchResult result = mySearchResult[0];
DirectoryEntry item = result.GetDirectoryEntry();

foreach(PropertyValueCollection props in item.Properties)
Response.Write("<br />" + props.PropertyName + ": " +
} // end try
Thanks for your reply Steve,

Glad that you've got it working.

Yes, the DirectoryEntry.AuthenticationType is default to "Secure".
Actually, it is in .net framework 2.0 that has changed the default value to
"Secure", in previous versions, the default value is "None".

#DirectoryEntry.AuthenticationType Property

I think that's why you've found many examples that didn't mention
this(since they're dedicated to .net 1.x).

Have a good day!


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.