Brian Hoffman
If Len(cboType) > 0 Then
Dim cnn1 As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn1 = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim rst1 As New ADODB.Recordset
rst1.ActiveConnection = cnn1
Dim mySQL As String
mySQL = "SELECT [PKResType#] FROM tblResTypes"
mySQL = mySQL + " WHERE (([Resource]='Me.[cboRes]')"
mySQL = mySQL + " AND ([Type]='Me.[cboType]'))"
rst1.Open mySQL
I am fairly new to programming, so I have taken alot of my work directly
from textbooks. Can anyone explain why BOF and EOF are true here?
Dim cnn1 As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn1 = CurrentProject.Connection
Dim rst1 As New ADODB.Recordset
rst1.ActiveConnection = cnn1
Dim mySQL As String
mySQL = "SELECT [PKResType#] FROM tblResTypes"
mySQL = mySQL + " WHERE (([Resource]='Me.[cboRes]')"
mySQL = mySQL + " AND ([Type]='Me.[cboType]'))"
rst1.Open mySQL
I am fairly new to programming, so I have taken alot of my work directly
from textbooks. Can anyone explain why BOF and EOF are true here?