Hi, using Access 2003 and sql 2005. I hope that this is not a double up as I
received a posting error notice for my previous effort!
I am using fields from a recordset to create parameters for a stored
procedure. The problem is that 1 or more field may contain a null value and
the system spits the dummy when prm=null.
Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@" & fld.Name, fld.Type, adParamInput,
Len(nz(fld.value),"")), fld.value)
Is there a way to pass null using a parameter to a stored procedure?
That is, using nz(fld.value, ?? ) what can I replace ?? with - bearing in
mind that a field could be text, numeric or date.
Any suggestions or ideas appreciated
Many thanks,
received a posting error notice for my previous effort!
I am using fields from a recordset to create parameters for a stored
procedure. The problem is that 1 or more field may contain a null value and
the system spits the dummy when prm=null.
Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@" & fld.Name, fld.Type, adParamInput,
Len(nz(fld.value),"")), fld.value)
Is there a way to pass null using a parameter to a stored procedure?
That is, using nz(fld.value, ?? ) what can I replace ?? with - bearing in
mind that a field could be text, numeric or date.
Any suggestions or ideas appreciated

Many thanks,