I am having a problem with the IsDBNull function. When it checks what
type of value is contained in the parameter that is passed to it, it
does not successfully determine that it has a DBNull value. If I
access the value of what I am going to pass to the IsDBNull function
before I call the IsDBNull function then it does successfully
determine that it has a DBNull value. Below is a page that I am using
to test. Note: that the value for the column copy_text is null in
this specific case.
<%@ Page %>
<%@ Import namespace="ADODB" %>
Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim adors As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim copy As String
Conn = New ADODB.Connection
adoRS = New ADODB.Recordset
sql = "select copy_text from printone_copy where ach_id = 43887"
adoRS.Open(sql, conn)
If Not adoRS.eof Then
'dim objtest as Object
'objtest = adoRS.Fields("copy_text").Value
if IsDBNull(adoRS.Fields("copy_text").Value) then
copy = "No Value"
copy = adoRS.Fields("copy_text").Value
end if
copy = "No Value"
End If
If I uncomment the two lines before the IsDBNull function call then
the IsDBNull function correctly returns true, otherwise it returns
false. And when it returns false I get an error as it tries to put
DBNull into the string variable copy. Any help on this would be much
type of value is contained in the parameter that is passed to it, it
does not successfully determine that it has a DBNull value. If I
access the value of what I am going to pass to the IsDBNull function
before I call the IsDBNull function then it does successfully
determine that it has a DBNull value. Below is a page that I am using
to test. Note: that the value for the column copy_text is null in
this specific case.
<%@ Page %>
<%@ Import namespace="ADODB" %>
Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim adors As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim copy As String
Conn = New ADODB.Connection
adoRS = New ADODB.Recordset
sql = "select copy_text from printone_copy where ach_id = 43887"
adoRS.Open(sql, conn)
If Not adoRS.eof Then
'dim objtest as Object
'objtest = adoRS.Fields("copy_text").Value
if IsDBNull(adoRS.Fields("copy_text").Value) then
copy = "No Value"
copy = adoRS.Fields("copy_text").Value
end if
copy = "No Value"
End If
If I uncomment the two lines before the IsDBNull function call then
the IsDBNull function correctly returns true, otherwise it returns
false. And when it returns false I get an error as it tries to put
DBNull into the string variable copy. Any help on this would be much