Any one tried to use DEVICETODESKTOP of adocefltr.dll? This thing is just
not working. Where am I going wrong?
[DllImport(@"c:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\adofiltr.dll")]
public static extern long DESKTOPTODEVICE(string desktoplocn, string
tablelist, bool sync, int overwrite, string devicelocn);
[DllImport(@"c:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\adofiltr.dll")]
public static extern long DEVICETODESKTOP(string desktoplocn, string
tablelist, bool sync, int overwrite, string devicelocn);
Any one tried to use DEVICETODESKTOP of adocefltr.dll? This thing is just
not working. Where am I going wrong?
[DllImport(@"c:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\adofiltr.dll")]
public static extern long DESKTOPTODEVICE(string desktoplocn, string
tablelist, bool sync, int overwrite, string devicelocn);
[DllImport(@"c:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync\adofiltr.dll")]
public static extern long DEVICETODESKTOP(string desktoplocn, string
tablelist, bool sync, int overwrite, string devicelocn);