Adobe Premiere Elements: any opinions?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aloke Prasad
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Aloke Prasad

This is not to start a thread comparing MM2 with anything else (afterall, it
is hard to beat free!!). However, many here are interested in video editing
in general, so

Has anyone tried the new Premiere Elements? Any opinions?

Dell has the Photoshop Elements 3 and Premiere Elements bundled together for
a reasonable price. I'm wondering if I should jump-in...

PapaJohn (MVP) said:
I haven't tried Premiere Elements, but I've used Photoshop Elements,
Photoshop and Premiere 6 over the years.... they are great products.

.... and I use Movie Maker too... for about 99% of my work.

If I may ask, would you give a rough typical-hours-per-
week, and a percentage breakdown as to the category
of work you do? e.g., 40% features, 30% weddings,
20% corporate, 10% writing, etc.?

Or, a URL if your site contains such a thing. :)

That's an unusual question... I don't keep a log of my time, but an
estimate off the top of my head is:

80 hours a week

50% writing (weekly newsletter, books, magazine articles, websites)
30% exploring how things work (Movie Maker and other software) and doing
videos or websites (weddings or others)
20% (browsing newsgroup and forum posts and responding)

Why do you ask?

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -
Photo Story 3 - use the menu branch at

PapaJohn (MVP) said:
That's an unusual question... I don't keep a log of my time, but an
estimate off the top of my head is:

80 hours a week

50% writing (weekly newsletter, books, magazine articles, websites)
30% exploring how things work (Movie Maker and other software) and doing
videos or websites (weddings or others)
20% (browsing newsgroup and forum posts and responding)

Why do you ask?

Just curious. I'm thinking of supplementing my
income, and wondered what was working for you,
given that you're doing 99% of your work in WMM.
Well, if Movie Maker was my only source of income, I'd have to get an extra
job..... having retired from a couple, and being at a stage of life that
doesn't require a big income, helps... it's time for me to do what I enjoy.
help others, and get whatever income streams happen to flow in from the

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -
Photo Story 3 - use the menu branch at

I bought it a few weeks ago and I am usin Windows Movie Maker right now if
that tells you anything. I updated my Ram, have a fast processor and plenty
of space and Elenents jus moved slowly for everything. When editing you want
to get into a flow and you just couldn't. the preview was
slow..............lots of rendering time for everything!!
I am still going to use it for DvD authoring....however even that doesn't
give you the ability to make your own menus. I like to put my own pic and doesn't allow has nice ones set up but they have no
sound. However, dvds I have burned have all played smoothly and reliably so
far so I will keep it was a 100.00 dvd maker.
Hope that helps,

My suggestion would be to keep using Windows Movie maker
Passing nasty little remarks about others seems to be the way you suplement
YOUR you get paid much??

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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