Could you please add your opinion about Photoshop
7. I assume
it will take time to learn too but what can it
offer or where is a
good website that will tell the pro's and con's.
If not Photoshop
what do you think is the best Photo program out
Since I offered an opinion before I refrained from
doing so now. But since
nobody offered an answer, here is my answer again
with some questions for
you to help you decide.
1. You have a lot of time to devote to learning
2. You are going to use this almost every day?
3. You are interested in becoming a graphic
artist, using pictures you have
taken and working with them to transform them?
If the answer to the above is Yes, get 6 and be
prepared to spend a lot of
time learning it. You will have tools that do not
exist in PSE5, but to
reach these tools, understand them and use them
properly you will have to
spend a lot of time.
Photoshop is for graphic artists or photographers
who will spend a lot of
time learning it. PSE 5 is for photographers
interested in making their
pictures better and using them for all kinds of
fun projects.
PSE 5 is much better suited to work on photos is
you are a beginner and you
are going to use this once in a while to retouch
photos or create projects
with photos.
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