When both Acrobat (full) and the driver for a Canon Z7100 server (feeding
into a Canon CLC5100 copier) are installed on XPpro (but not, apparantly,
2000), only the Administrator can print. Any other non-administrative user
login kills the spoolsv.exe process whenever so much as the Printer & Fax
window is brought up. Stay away from the printers, but keep an eye on the
services window, and it'll stay open forever. Take one look at the printer
window (or try to print), however, and the service dies with the following in
the event Log (Event ID:4096)
An unhandled win32 exception occurred in spoolsv.exe [4016]. Just-In-Time
debugging this exception failed with the following error: Either a required
impersonation level was not provided, or the provided impersonation level is
Doing a KB search for the above has proven fruitless. Any Ideas would be
more than welcome.
When both Acrobat (full) and the driver for a Canon Z7100 server (feeding
into a Canon CLC5100 copier) are installed on XPpro (but not, apparantly,
2000), only the Administrator can print. Any other non-administrative user
login kills the spoolsv.exe process whenever so much as the Printer & Fax
window is brought up. Stay away from the printers, but keep an eye on the
services window, and it'll stay open forever. Take one look at the printer
window (or try to print), however, and the service dies with the following in
the event Log (Event ID:4096)
An unhandled win32 exception occurred in spoolsv.exe [4016]. Just-In-Time
debugging this exception failed with the following error: Either a required
impersonation level was not provided, or the provided impersonation level is
Doing a KB search for the above has proven fruitless. Any Ideas would be
more than welcome.