Good Day all,
I'm working on VisualStudio.net and on SQL Server 8.0
I'm using a WindowsForm with a ListBox, some TextBox, some buttons, a DataSet, an sqlDataAdapter and an SqlCommand.
I fill my DataSet normally with this command at the startup of my application
(SqlConnection cnxSqlConnexion
(SqlDataAdaper sdaSalles
(Dataset dsSalles
sdaSalles.Fill(dsSalles, "SALLES");
I've been set my ListBox DataSource and DisplayMember property with the folowing values :
(ListBox lstSalles
lstSalles.DataSource <- dsSalles
lstSalles.DisplayMember <- SALLES.NOMSALLES
When I add a new record all work well :
this.BindingContext[dsSalles, "SALLES"].AddNew();
this.BindingContext[dsSalles, "SALLES"].EndCurrentEdit();
When I delete a record, I have a problem with the ListBox
All records in the listBox are deleted excepted the last one who is deleted from the DataBinding but Stay in the lstSalle.List.
Please how to make it leave the lstSalle.List ?
thank's for any solutions !
I'm working on VisualStudio.net and on SQL Server 8.0
I'm using a WindowsForm with a ListBox, some TextBox, some buttons, a DataSet, an sqlDataAdapter and an SqlCommand.
I fill my DataSet normally with this command at the startup of my application
(SqlConnection cnxSqlConnexion
(SqlDataAdaper sdaSalles
(Dataset dsSalles
sdaSalles.Fill(dsSalles, "SALLES");
I've been set my ListBox DataSource and DisplayMember property with the folowing values :
(ListBox lstSalles
lstSalles.DataSource <- dsSalles
lstSalles.DisplayMember <- SALLES.NOMSALLES
When I add a new record all work well :
this.BindingContext[dsSalles, "SALLES"].AddNew();
this.BindingContext[dsSalles, "SALLES"].EndCurrentEdit();
When I delete a record, I have a problem with the ListBox
All records in the listBox are deleted excepted the last one who is deleted from the DataBinding but Stay in the lstSalle.List.
Please how to make it leave the lstSalle.List ?
thank's for any solutions !