very strange thing happend today:
I wrote an sql syntax to query a sql server database:
"Select Count(*) From dbo.Func1() Where SomeCriteria"
From the sql server query analyzer i got results as a nameless column having
the value of 1
I took the SAME sql syntax and opend an ADO.Recordset using VB:
Dim Tmp as ADODB.Recordset
Tmp.Open "Select Count(*) From dbo.Func1() Where SomeCriteria",
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
I checked the value of Temp.Fields.Item(0) and it is now = 0 !!!
Cannot figure this out....
This is an Access XP file (.ADP) referencing the msado15.dll (ActiveX Data
Objects 2.8)
Ideas anyone ?
very strange thing happend today:
I wrote an sql syntax to query a sql server database:
"Select Count(*) From dbo.Func1() Where SomeCriteria"
From the sql server query analyzer i got results as a nameless column having
the value of 1
I took the SAME sql syntax and opend an ADO.Recordset using VB:
Dim Tmp as ADODB.Recordset
Tmp.Open "Select Count(*) From dbo.Func1() Where SomeCriteria",
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
I checked the value of Temp.Fields.Item(0) and it is now = 0 !!!
Cannot figure this out....
This is an Access XP file (.ADP) referencing the msado15.dll (ActiveX Data
Objects 2.8)
Ideas anyone ?