newdepts via AccessMonster.com
I am trying to set the variable Ado Recordset to the Recordsource of the
Form, from reading your discussions I thought this would be possible with:
conn.Open GloConnectionString
rst.Open mysql, conn, , adLockOptimistic
Set Me.Recordset = rst
I am getting the following run time error:
Error Message
"The object you entered is not a valid recordset property" on the Set
Me.recordset = rst above.
I would appreciate help on this.
Form, from reading your discussions I thought this would be possible with:
conn.Open GloConnectionString
rst.Open mysql, conn, , adLockOptimistic
Set Me.Recordset = rst
I am getting the following run time error:
Error Message
"The object you entered is not a valid recordset property" on the Set
Me.recordset = rst above.
I would appreciate help on this.