ADO.NET RecordSet Equivalent

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank
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Hi, group sorry for this Question but really need help, What would be the
similar method in ADO.NET like MoveNext in ADO RecordSet.

Best Regard

The DataReader interface provides the Read method which moves forward
through the result cursor, but this is a forward only cursor. Using the
DataTable/DataView you have random access the rows using an indexer on the
Rows property or you can process each row using the foreach statement.

Hope this helps

Chris Taylor
Mr. do you mean that I can check the limits of my DataTable for the count
property of the Rows collection for up limit and Rows[0] for the low limit .

Best regard

Yes, when using DataSet and DataTable you are working with disconnected data
ie. you are no longer referencing the original datasource. This is very much
like the previous ADO disconnected recordsets.


Chris Taylor

Frank said:
Mr. do you mean that I can check the limits of my DataTable for the count
property of the Rows collection for up limit and Rows[0] for the low limit ..

Best regard

Chris Taylor said:

The DataReader interface provides the Read method which moves forward
through the result cursor, but this is a forward only cursor. Using the
DataTable/DataView you have random access the rows using an indexer on the
Rows property or you can process each row using the foreach statement.

Hope this helps

Chris Taylor
Thank. Mr. Chris.

Best Regard
From Venezuela

Chris Taylor said:

Yes, when using DataSet and DataTable you are working with disconnected data
ie. you are no longer referencing the original datasource. This is very much
like the previous ADO disconnected recordsets.


Chris Taylor

Frank said:
Mr. do you mean that I can check the limits of my DataTable for the count
property of the Rows collection for up limit and Rows[0] for the low

Best regard

Hi Frank,

Maybe this will help you
(Rough written)

First row
the next row is

You have of course to know if the rows exist

you therefore can use things as
dataset.tables.count and dataset.tables(0).rows.count

Very simple I thought.

I hope this helps a little bit?
