Scenario is; while developing a Web Application based on ASP.NET/C# and SQL
Server 2K, usually we need to have a complex processing which requires
multiple looping operations apart from math calculations!
So which is the best approach to encapsulate the Logic in?
1. C# Class which gets the raw data from SQL Server and does the processing
on it?
2. SQL Stored Procedure which does all processing and returns almost ready
to display data to the C# code!
Please provide your feedback based on following parameters!
1. Performance
2. Maintainability
3. Ease of Deployment (Hot Fix etc)/ Server down Time while Deploy!
Any other important parameter that I am missing!
Scenario is; while developing a Web Application based on ASP.NET/C# and SQL
Server 2K, usually we need to have a complex processing which requires
multiple looping operations apart from math calculations!
So which is the best approach to encapsulate the Logic in?
1. C# Class which gets the raw data from SQL Server and does the processing
on it?
2. SQL Stored Procedure which does all processing and returns almost ready
to display data to the C# code!
Please provide your feedback based on following parameters!
1. Performance
2. Maintainability
3. Ease of Deployment (Hot Fix etc)/ Server down Time while Deploy!
Any other important parameter that I am missing!