My DAL returns a generic datareader. This way I can use Oracle or SQL Server
and still have just one DAL.
There are many overloaded methods (3 of 13 are shown below) that "forward"
the call to a method that has more paramters and fills them in with default
values (or config file values). Eventually you get to a method that actually
executes the command. (There are also many "helper" methods that are not
shown. Like PrepareCommand.)
Public Overloads Shared Function ExecuteReader(ByVal commandText As String)
As IDataReader
Return ExecuteReader(mConnStr, CommandType.Text, commandText,
CType(Nothing, IDataParameter()))
End Function
Public Overloads Shared Function ExecuteReader(ByVal spName As String, ByVal
ParamArray parameterValues() As Object) As IDataReader
Return ExecuteReader(mConnStr, spName, CommandType.StoredProcedure,
End Function
Public Overloads Shared Function ExecuteReader(ByVal commandType As
CommandType, ByVal commandText As String) As IDataReader
Return ExecuteReader(mConnStr, commandType, commandText,
CType(Nothing, IDataParameter()))
End Function
All calls eventually end up here:
Private Overloads Shared Function ExecuteReader(ByVal connection As
IDbConnection, ByVal transaction As IDbTransaction, ByVal commandType As
CommandType, ByVal commandText As String, ByVal commandParameters() As
IDataParameter, ByVal connectionOwnership As ConnectionOwnership) As
If (connection Is Nothing) Then Throw New
ArgumentNullException("Missing connection")
Dim cmd As IDbCommand = CreateCommand()
Dim dr As IDataReader
Dim mustCloseConnection As Boolean = False
PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, transaction, commandType,
commandText, commandParameters, mustCloseConnection)
If connectionOwnership = connectionOwnership.External Then
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
End If
'Detach the Parameters from the command object, so they can be used
Dim canClear As Boolean = True
Dim commandParameter As IDataParameter
For Each commandParameter In cmd.Parameters
If commandParameter.Direction <> ParameterDirection.Input Then
canClear = False
End If
If (canClear) Then cmd.Parameters.Clear()
Return dr
If (mustCloseConnection) Then connection.Close()
End Try
End Function