I have an application that is localized into a number of cultures
(Turkish is one) and a number of stored proc calls are failling when
the site is run in Turkish but not in any other language, but not all
procs fail. I am using framework 1.1, standard datasets and table
using SQLDataAdapter update clls.
Stored proc with 3 params
InsertOrderProducts(@productID int, @data1 bit, @data2 int)
DataTable dt (with columns that match and valid data)
SQL parameter collection that specifies the params and the
corresponding table column.
A call to SQLDataAdapter.Update(dt)
The application is doing more than that but in a nut shell that is the
problem and as a result users of my site cannot place orders in if the
culture is Turkish if they change culture to English and proceed the
order can be placed (very ugly work around).
(Turkish is one) and a number of stored proc calls are failling when
the site is run in Turkish but not in any other language, but not all
procs fail. I am using framework 1.1, standard datasets and table
using SQLDataAdapter update clls.
Stored proc with 3 params
InsertOrderProducts(@productID int, @data1 bit, @data2 int)
DataTable dt (with columns that match and valid data)
SQL parameter collection that specifies the params and the
corresponding table column.
A call to SQLDataAdapter.Update(dt)
The application is doing more than that but in a nut shell that is the
problem and as a result users of my site cannot place orders in if the
culture is Turkish if they change culture to English and proceed the
order can be placed (very ugly work around).