Hi, can someone tell me whats wrong on the next statement:
strCriteria = "rstData![FolderNumber] = " & "01" & " AND
rstData![RegisterNumber] = " & 1
rstData.Find strCriteria
After the rstData.Find strCriteria the next message is
Arguments are or the wrong type, are out of acceptable
range, or are in conlfict with one other.
FolderNumber is a Text, and RegisterNumber is a Number.
Many thanks
strCriteria = "rstData![FolderNumber] = " & "01" & " AND
rstData![RegisterNumber] = " & 1
rstData.Find strCriteria
After the rstData.Find strCriteria the next message is
Arguments are or the wrong type, are out of acceptable
range, or are in conlfict with one other.
FolderNumber is a Text, and RegisterNumber is a Number.
Many thanks