ADO connect string ignoring UID & PWD

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When I use a ado connect string it ignors the UID and PWD in the connect
string and uses the user admin. How can I get the ADO connection to use the
user name and password I have specified in the connect string?
i tried to build connection string using udl file, and it looks like:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password=MyPass;User ID=MyUSer;Data
Source=C:\db1.mdb;Persist Security Info=True
When I use this connect string it gives me an error message that the
workgroup file is missing or opened exclusive.
Using the information at this link does indeed open and read the table
information. However I have not given any permissions for the user. This
still ignors the security settings. I need to connect and have the
connection use the security setting set up in the database thats opening.
How can this be accomplished?
My guess, for whatever that may be worth, would be that if the user doesn't
have explicit permission on the table, the user probably has implicit
permission through membership of a group that has such permission. But I'm
not the best person to answer security questions. If no one else responds
here, try asking in
if you log into access with same user of connection string - do it have
persmission to this table?
do you use same system.mdw in both cases?
You are correct. When I took the group permissions for this user off it
denied the user access. Thankk you very much.