ADMT Security translation error

  • Thread starter Thread starter A. Bladh
  • Start date Start date

A. Bladh

I can use the ADMT security translation (files and folder) from "NT4 domain
A" to the Active Directory domain with no problem.
When i try to do the same from "NT4 domain B" to the Active Directory domain
i get this error message:

"no recorded objects from the specified source domain have been migrated.
Please select another source domain. (domain=NT4 domain B)

What's the problem ?
* the trust is working betwwen the domains.
* I have migrated all users and groups from "NT4 domain B" to the Active
Directory domain (12 month ago)
* I can still migrate users from "NT4 domain B" to the Active Directory
* if I open "PROTAR.MDB" and table "MigratedObjects" i can see (i think) all
user object from "NT4 domain B"
* I have this problem on "NT4 domain C" & "NT4 domain D" but not on domain
"NT4 domain E" & "NT4 domain F" ?

To use a SID mapping file in ADMT or util SUBINACL.EXE is not an option (we
have sevral file server that file permission is pointing to users accounts
in the old domains (500 user accounts.)

I assume you running ADMT v2 and set up the environment properly.
If you have source account domain A and source resource domain B and you
migrate all the accounts from A to target domain C, you have to use sid
mapping file to do the security translation if you want to re-ACL the
resources on domain B as the "previous migrated objects" option come with
the domain you choose.

You said you migrate all user and groups 12 month ago, are you still use the
same protar DB?
If you migrate same user from B to target domain and run the security
translation from B, do you see the errors?
If not, you may think about re-migrate all the users and groups again with
"replace on conflict" options.

If you still see the errors, can you post the full migration.log?

Yes, I'm sure that i'm using the same protar.mdb ( i can see all users from
domainA in table "migrated users"

I have migrated one more user from the NT4 domain (domain A), and now i
don't get the error message during "security translation wizard" But i don't
know if i dare to do it. What do you think ?

Why is it working now? when I migrated one more user ? or will the "security
translation wizard" only translate security for the last user i migrated ?

Thanx in advance
/ Andreas