
OK here's the million dollar question!

I there a version of ADMINPAK.MSI that will run on Windows Vista?

From what I can find out...the is not..but I could be wrong.

If there is not tool seems like Microsoft has gone through alot of troble to
NOT answer this question.

For example look at the following article or the 50 others I found:;[LN];304718

List every OS but Vista. Would it be that hard to have some grunt at MS to
update this article to say "Vista is (or is not) current not supported"?

Could they not just put a note on the ADMINPAK.MSI download page that says
"Vista currently not supported please use RDP Client to log in to a supported
version" or "Vista is supported please click the following link".

Honestly I don't think it would be to much to ask to just not leave all of
us hanging and searching around on thier website like fools for a non
existant solution. If it is not supported JUST SAY SO!

Ronnie Vernon MVP

The KB articles like the one you cited are reviewed, on a regular basis, for
accuracy, changes, and updates. Article 304718 was last reviewed on January
19, 2007. I haven't heard about the adminpak being available for Vista yet.


The Windoes Server 2003 AP1 Admin PAK will install on Vista (RTM). You may
have to install it a couple of times as sometimes not all the DLLs register
correctly. (You'll know if some of the tools produce errors on startup).
There are still a few tools that don't work under Vista, but the main ones do.




There is a KB article describing how to install the ADMINPAK.MSI on Vista:

THANKS Microsoft that at least answers the question!


If all that's required for the Adminpak.msi to work is to create the
"RegisterAdminPak.cmd" script (as described in the article) to register some
dll's with enhanced security then WHY hasn't Microsoft just come out with a
new installer that does this for you???

I guess they assume that it is a "rare" case that someone would want to use
the administration tools for AD on a vista box. Maybe Microsoft think that
Vista is just a glorified Fisher Price Activity Center for grown-ups, so no
self respecting network administrator is ever going to use it.

Just food for thought...


Stuart said:
The Windoes Server 2003 AP1 Admin PAK will install on Vista (RTM). You may
have to install it a couple of times as sometimes not all the DLLs register
correctly. (You'll know if some of the tools produce errors on startup).
There are still a few tools that don't work under Vista, but the main ones do.



SirOssis said:
OK here's the million dollar question!

I there a version of ADMINPAK.MSI that will run on Windows Vista?

From what I can find out...the is not..but I could be wrong.

If there is not tool seems like Microsoft has gone through alot of troble to
NOT answer this question.

For example look at the following article or the 50 others I found:;[LN];304718

List every OS but Vista. Would it be that hard to have some grunt at MS to
update this article to say "Vista is (or is not) current not supported"?

Could they not just put a note on the ADMINPAK.MSI download page that says
"Vista currently not supported please use RDP Client to log in to a supported
version" or "Vista is supported please click the following link".

Honestly I don't think it would be to much to ask to just not leave all of
us hanging and searching around on thier website like fools for a non
existant solution. If it is not supported JUST SAY SO!

Ronnie Vernon MVP

That KB article describes a way to use some of the tools for those that want
to use them in Vista.
From what I have been able to find out, the new AdminPak Tools will not be
finalized and released
until Longhorn Server (currently in beta) is released later this year.


Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

SirOssis said:
There is a KB article describing how to install the ADMINPAK.MSI on Vista:

THANKS Microsoft that at least answers the question!


If all that's required for the Adminpak.msi to work is to create the
"RegisterAdminPak.cmd" script (as described in the article) to register
dll's with enhanced security then WHY hasn't Microsoft just come out with
new installer that does this for you???

I guess they assume that it is a "rare" case that someone would want to
the administration tools for AD on a vista box. Maybe Microsoft think that
Vista is just a glorified Fisher Price Activity Center for grown-ups, so
self respecting network administrator is ever going to use it.

Just food for thought...


Stuart said:
The Windoes Server 2003 AP1 Admin PAK will install on Vista (RTM). You
have to install it a couple of times as sometimes not all the DLLs
correctly. (You'll know if some of the tools produce errors on startup).
There are still a few tools that don't work under Vista, but the main
ones do.



SirOssis said:
OK here's the million dollar question!

I there a version of ADMINPAK.MSI that will run on Windows Vista?

From what I can find out...the is not..but I could be wrong.

If there is not tool seems like Microsoft has gone through alot of
troble to
NOT answer this question.

For example look at the following article or the 50 others I found:;[LN];304718

List every OS but Vista. Would it be that hard to have some grunt at MS
update this article to say "Vista is (or is not) current not

Could they not just put a note on the ADMINPAK.MSI download page that
"Vista currently not supported please use RDP Client to log in to a
version" or "Vista is supported please click the following link".

Honestly I don't think it would be to much to ask to just not leave all
us hanging and searching around on thier website like fools for a non
existant solution. If it is not supported JUST SAY SO!


SirOssis said:
I guess they assume that it is a "rare" case that someone would want to
the administration tools for AD on a vista box. Maybe Microsoft think that
Vista is just a glorified Fisher Price Activity Center for grown-ups, so
self respecting network administrator is ever going to use it.

Just food for thought...

MS has always catered more to the corporate world than the home market. Any
self respecting netadmin has been testing Vista for months.

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)


No, that was more the "value add" that the XP UI brought to Win2000
MS has always catered more to the corporate world than the home market. Any
self respecting netadmin has been testing Vista for months.

Yep - there's a huge thrust in Vista to improve things for pro-IT.
Vista went RTM for enterprises in November 2006, so they could enjoy
more lead time, before the rest of us got it on 30 January 2007.

Much of Vista's management will make more sense once Longhorn Server
comes out, so some of Vista's capabilities may not be as effectively
managed or implimented as yet.

XP was more than just that tacky Fisher-Price "My User Interface"
draped over Win2000, and Vista is considerably more than a new-'faced
XP. Also, you'll see that even the UI has moved away from XP's
panting search dog and condescending "My" this and "My" that; it may
be shiny, but it treats you like an interested grown-up, rather than a
rube to be Barnum'd or a toddler to be seduced with candy.

--------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
Saws are too hard to use.
Be easier to use!

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