Unless I'm missing something here, this CD is completely useless.
Where are the vaunted utilities that make this a $700 (?) product? All I can
see is the useless ERD commander which can't even help me reset the lost
local admnin password!
Has anyone else had a similar experience with the Adminpak software? Is
there something I can do ? (as this is not the newest version.) Does
Microsoft even support it, now that they've bought it?
Where are the vaunted utilities that make this a $700 (?) product? All I can
see is the useless ERD commander which can't even help me reset the lost
local admnin password!
Has anyone else had a similar experience with the Adminpak software? Is
there something I can do ? (as this is not the newest version.) Does
Microsoft even support it, now that they've bought it?