The Administrator account is designed and intended to be an
emergency account for repairing a broken computer, it isn't
intended for day to day use.
When the first user account is created the administrator
account become hidden.
To access the administrator account, cold boot the computer
and press F8 as soon as the computer is turned on and before
Windows begins to load. This will open the boot menu and
you can then select to log on to the administrator account.
Create a new user account for your daily use and then allow
the new account to have access to the data files [your
homework, etc.] How to take
ownership of a file safe mode
How to log on to Windows XP if you forget your password or
your ...
Note You cannot log on as usual by using the Administrator
or Computer Administrator account to a Windows XP Home
Edition-based computer or to a Windows XP Professional-based
computer in a workgroup.
Microsoft Windows XP
Because of security implications, Microsoft Windows XP Home
Edition does not ... Describes an issue that occurs on
Windows XP-based computers when a non-administrator user
receives an error message ...
Resolving Application Compatibility Issues with
Compatibility ...
TechNet Home > Products & Technologies > Desktop Operating
Systems > ... Using Compatibility Administrator. Windows XP
contains information regarding common compatibility issues
that ...
Windows XP: Log on as an administrator
Find out how to log on to your Windows XP computer as an
administrator. ... Almost all computers in home environments
will have Fast User Switching enabled.
Administrator and User Accounts
|I got everything reinstalled onto my computer in early
August, and I was able
| to log-in under the title "Administrator" so I didn't
bother making any sort
| of new account, until recently when my sister wanted her
own. I restarted the
| computer at some point, and Administrator isn't visible
anymore. All of my
| homework for this term is there, so if anyone could tell
me how to access
| it...I'd be thankful.