Administrator User Profiles Corrupt

  • Thread starter Thread starter jim
  • Start date Start date


Hi. I have two computers - a desktop and a laptop - both
run on XP.
Recently i loaded Adobe CS
to both machines. All of the programs worked well on the
desktop, but on the
laptop one of the programs (InDesign) wasn't loading. I
spent a couple of
hours on the phone with Adobe only to discover that what
was happening was
that InDesign was loading onto a different User Account
than my main one.
When starting the laptop in Safe Mode, I saw where two
Administrator accounts
appeared - prompting me to choose one. One was for me (my
name) but another
said "Administrator". Curious, i clicked on Administrator
found that if i
opened InDesign via this user account, IT WORKED. Only
this isn't my main
user account. I researched to find out how to delete this
unused user account
(that only contains 1mb of data vs. 250 mb on my main
user account) - and
re-entered Safe Mode via my MAIN user account (which is
also an adminstrator
account) and deleted the other "adminstrator" account.
I reloaded the program (not the entire suite) and tried
to start the program
again -but again, it didn't load. All of the other 5
programs in Creative
Suite work fine - only InDesign doesn't. So i went back
into Safe Mode, but
saw once again that that old Administrator User Account
was there again. And
sure enough, InDesign ran on that User Account.

I thought i deleted this account - i need the program to
run in my regular
User Account, which is where i work from. Plus, when i go
into Control
Panel/User Accounts - the mysterious Administrator User
Account doesn't even
appear. Only when i go into safe mode can i see it.
Evidently InDesign is
defaulting to, or creating, this mystery user account.
Any help would be way
Hey Jim,

If you are running WinXP Home edition then that administrator account you
saw is "suppose" to be there. You cannot delete this user and even if you
delete the profile, it will rebuild itself. In XP Home, when you create an
account, you are one of two types of users: Administrators and Limited. You
can have as many or either as you want.
Also, you will only see the "Administrator" in SafeMode. And if you have
locked yourself out by forgetting a password, you can boot to SafeMode, log
in as the Administrator, enter User Accounts and delete passwords for other
users. Now, I know this is affective on some OEM versions and have not
confirmed it on the Boxed version. Up until now I haven't even been
interested as to why Microsoft chose to do things this way. If you're
interested, I'm sure Microsoft has information about it on their web site.

Unfortunately I know nothing about InDesign and the problem you are having.
I thought you should know about the mysterious Administrator account.
