Hi. I have two computers - a desktop and a laptop - both
run on XP.
Recently i loaded Adobe CS
to both machines. All of the programs worked well on the
desktop, but on the
laptop one of the programs (InDesign) wasn't loading. I
spent a couple of
hours on the phone with Adobe only to discover that what
was happening was
that InDesign was loading onto a different User Account
than my main one.
When starting the laptop in Safe Mode, I saw where two
Administrator accounts
appeared - prompting me to choose one. One was for me (my
name) but another
said "Administrator". Curious, i clicked on Administrator
found that if i
opened InDesign via this user account, IT WORKED. Only
this isn't my main
user account. I researched to find out how to delete this
unused user account
(that only contains 1mb of data vs. 250 mb on my main
user account) - and
re-entered Safe Mode via my MAIN user account (which is
also an adminstrator
account) and deleted the other "adminstrator" account.
I reloaded the program (not the entire suite) and tried
to start the program
again -but again, it didn't load. All of the other 5
programs in Creative
Suite work fine - only InDesign doesn't. So i went back
into Safe Mode, but
saw once again that that old Administrator User Account
was there again. And
sure enough, InDesign ran on that User Account.
I thought i deleted this account - i need the program to
run in my regular
User Account, which is where i work from. Plus, when i go
into Control
Panel/User Accounts - the mysterious Administrator User
Account doesn't even
appear. Only when i go into safe mode can i see it.
Evidently InDesign is
defaulting to, or creating, this mystery user account.
Any help would be way
run on XP.
Recently i loaded Adobe CS
to both machines. All of the programs worked well on the
desktop, but on the
laptop one of the programs (InDesign) wasn't loading. I
spent a couple of
hours on the phone with Adobe only to discover that what
was happening was
that InDesign was loading onto a different User Account
than my main one.
When starting the laptop in Safe Mode, I saw where two
Administrator accounts
appeared - prompting me to choose one. One was for me (my
name) but another
said "Administrator". Curious, i clicked on Administrator
found that if i
opened InDesign via this user account, IT WORKED. Only
this isn't my main
user account. I researched to find out how to delete this
unused user account
(that only contains 1mb of data vs. 250 mb on my main
user account) - and
re-entered Safe Mode via my MAIN user account (which is
also an adminstrator
account) and deleted the other "adminstrator" account.
I reloaded the program (not the entire suite) and tried
to start the program
again -but again, it didn't load. All of the other 5
programs in Creative
Suite work fine - only InDesign doesn't. So i went back
into Safe Mode, but
saw once again that that old Administrator User Account
was there again. And
sure enough, InDesign ran on that User Account.
I thought i deleted this account - i need the program to
run in my regular
User Account, which is where i work from. Plus, when i go
into Control
Panel/User Accounts - the mysterious Administrator User
Account doesn't even
appear. Only when i go into safe mode can i see it.
Evidently InDesign is
defaulting to, or creating, this mystery user account.
Any help would be way