its been awhile sience i used my lap top and when i went to use it it ask me
for my pass word to get into the internet well as you would figure i forgot
it and when i went to the hint question ithat didn't help so i tried going
into the set up screen and again wanted pass word and the person i bought the
lap top from never told me of a pass word to get into set up so can any one
help i cant do a thing excep sign on as guest and at that there is some
program running errors that come on from time to time i would like to fix so
please if there is an answer tell me befor i trow this thing in the middle of
the street thank you racertracy
for my pass word to get into the internet well as you would figure i forgot
it and when i went to the hint question ithat didn't help so i tried going
into the set up screen and again wanted pass word and the person i bought the
lap top from never told me of a pass word to get into set up so can any one
help i cant do a thing excep sign on as guest and at that there is some
program running errors that come on from time to time i would like to fix so
please if there is an answer tell me befor i trow this thing in the middle of
the street thank you racertracy