You bet. It's in my toolbox! Although the disclaimer will warn you that
there is some risk, it has worked every time for me. If you search the
archives of related newsgroups you'll find many posts hailing the benefits
of this software. When you boot the CD, you'll be booting a very lightweight
Linux install. It will mount your hard drive, locate your %systemroot% and
present you with a dozen or so prompts asking what you want to do. I suggest
just hitting "Enter" at each prompt until the last two or three. If you do
you'll accept the defaults, which will blank the administrator password (you
can choose any user, and it will list them for you, but I'd go with the
defaults). At the end, you have to enter some keypresses to get it to
actually write the info to your hard drive, then there are a couple of "are
you reall really sure" type prompts. After it finishes, you'll just find
yourself in a Linux Shell. You can just eject the CD and reboot. Log on as
administrator with no password.