dave z
I was attempting to create a second User Account on my
Windows XP Home Dell PC for the sake of improved home
computer security...my son had already downloaded a large
# of items on the one single sreen we were sharing...as a
result, I decided to open a second User Acccount...which
was to be designated as Administrator ... well, it seems
I overlooked to activate the 'Switch User' log off
feature option. Now I am stuck with a sigle screen
Limited Account...when I try any method of change...I get
a "sorry, administrative only" type pop up message...its
like being locked out of my own house, with the keys left
inside. How can I access my Administrative Account
option? I called Dell...they could not tell me...we tried
safe mode and such... Administrative privlidge continued
to deney me access with every turn...HELP!!!!
Windows XP Home Dell PC for the sake of improved home
computer security...my son had already downloaded a large
# of items on the one single sreen we were sharing...as a
result, I decided to open a second User Acccount...which
was to be designated as Administrator ... well, it seems
I overlooked to activate the 'Switch User' log off
feature option. Now I am stuck with a sigle screen
Limited Account...when I try any method of change...I get
a "sorry, administrative only" type pop up message...its
like being locked out of my own house, with the keys left
inside. How can I access my Administrative Account
option? I called Dell...they could not tell me...we tried
safe mode and such... Administrative privlidge continued
to deney me access with every turn...HELP!!!!