Erika Picher
Since an update from SP1 without any security patches to SP4 with
ALL new security patches (it took many hours !!!), my administrator
do not have the right to install and configure devices. Also calling
device-Manager (start -> configuration -> system -> device-list) is
now unpossible. My administrator is in group (administration (in
german "Administratoren"). When I am trying to install new devices
I get following german screen:
Thank you for your help
ALL new security patches (it took many hours !!!), my administrator
do not have the right to install and configure devices. Also calling
device-Manager (start -> configuration -> system -> device-list) is
now unpossible. My administrator is in group (administration (in
german "Administratoren"). When I am trying to install new devices
I get following german screen:
"Sie haben keine ausreichenden Sicherheitsberechtigungen, um
Geräte an diesem Computer zu installieren. Wenden Sie sich an
den Administrator oder melden Sie sich als Administraor an, und
wiederholen Sie den Vorgang."
You do not have enough security right to install/add devices to
your computer. Please contact your administrator or login as
administrator and try again.
Thank you for your help