Chris Jones
We have a Small Business Server 2k machine and the other day I went to check
servers IP settings and I found that I am now locked out of them. When I
right click on adapter properties, I get a message that says " You do not
have sufficent privledges for accessing connection properties. Contact you
system administrator.) Well I am the system admin. I have checked the local
policy and see nothing abnormal. I have not made any changes to user account
or software on server. Administrator account has defaut privledges as set
servers IP settings and I found that I am now locked out of them. When I
right click on adapter properties, I get a message that says " You do not
have sufficent privledges for accessing connection properties. Contact you
system administrator.) Well I am the system admin. I have checked the local
policy and see nothing abnormal. I have not made any changes to user account
or software on server. Administrator account has defaut privledges as set