Administration account???

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I just bought a new computer that has Windows Vista. I am now trying to
install a printer, but it keeps on blocking with the mesage " please contact
administrator to install this product" I am the administrator, i have no
other persons with an account on this computer. I have tried to right click
the muse, to run as administrator, but that is not an option. On the control
panel it says that i am the administator, but it still wont allow me to
install any soft/hardware.

Can anybody help me
Have you verified with the manufacturer the hardware is compatible with
Are you using the latest Vista drivers?
Try right clicking the install exe and choose "Run as Administator"

This should solve your issue.
I am experiencing the exact same problem.

Purchased a new HP Pavillion, came with an HP Photosmart printer. Tried
running the setup for the printer (photosmart software), getting the same
blocked message. Tried right clicking on the setup.exe and saying "run as
administrator", getting the same blocked message. HP is absolutely no help
(they told me I need to install software running in safe mode).

Any other suggestions out there?

BTW - Hey Bill & kids - If you are monitoring these messages - get the
hint - Removing the administrator account is posing a problem all around!!!
(they told me I need to install software running in safe mode).

Did that work?

Which Photosmart is it? Is it just a printer or an AinO? I've got two
HP printers working like a charm -- LJ2200d and PS8250 -- on the
builtin drivers.
didn't work (didn't really expect it would either).

HP is still dancing around trying to figure this out. Spent way too much
time on the phone with them yesterday on this. Working a different angle
right now. Printer is a Photosmart D5160
I just ran Microsoft Update on my XP setup and under Hardware it
brought up an update for my PS 8250 -- released by HP in August 2006 it
says although the files are dated September 2006. It upped the driver
under DOT4 to

Nothing shows up for HP when I run the update on VISTA however.
I see that I am not the only one having this problem. I contacted HP stayed
on the phone with a tech, he couldn't solve the problem either. My question
is why is there a admin hold on the computers, what purpose does it serve?
Something has to do about this. I hope that Bill gets the message, send out a
update on how to remove the admin hold so that we install our printers.