I'm the admin and only user on my Vista comp and can't delete old files I
no longer want. How do I delete these unwanted files and why don't I have
complete control over my own PC? How do I disable all these unwanted
"safety" features in control of my PC?
You're not admin with full rights on Vista with that out of the box
user/admin account that Vista gives you, even if you disable UAC. There is
only one user account that has full admin rights at all times, the same one
that's on XP.
Now, you could disable Simple File Sharing on Vista, look it up use Google,
to expose the Security tab. You can then use Explore to go to the folder's
or file's Properties to the Security tab, go to the Advanced button, to the
Owner tab, and change ownership to Administrators to take ownership, since
you are a part of Administrators with your other Vista user admin account.
You can even do it at the folder or file level.
If the Advanced button is not active, then you'll have to login with the
account in the link above to have the button activated.
Here is a little test I want you to take to see account conflict permissions
issues for user/admin on Vista.
1) Go to the Program Files and create a new directory call it *Test*. Vista
should allow you to create the directory even as you being Admin on the
2) Start Notepad enter some text and try to SaveAs with the file to Program
Files/Test. You should get permission denied. Yeah, you're getting it even
if the account you're using is your Admin account.
3) Come out of Notepad, forget the save, and cancel out of Notepad.
4) Go to the directory and to the Security tab for the directory and add a
new account to the security account list. It's going to be the User account
you login to the computer with as Admin. If you login with *Microsoft* as
admin on the machine, then you're going to add *Microsoft* as another
account the will have access to the directory.
5) You'll set *Microsoft* to have Full Control just as Administrators has
Full Control of the folder.
6) Go back to step # 2 with Notepad and try to SaveAs the file to Program
Files\Test. You should be able to save the file.
Hopefully, you'll see the issue of account permissions conflict for the
user/admin on Vista.
On one hand, your account is in the Administrators group account. But on the
other hand, your account is part of the User group account. If your user
account *Microsoft* is not on the folder with the same rights as as
Administrators, there is going to be a permissions conflict, because Vista
with UAC enabled it is looking at the combined rights of those two accounts
in some situations.
What Vista defaults to is Users account group permissions on the directory
if it doesn't see your individual user account on the folder, and Users
doesn't have Full Control.
This is because on Vista with UAC enabled, a user/admin on Vista is not an
Admin with Full rights, like it is on XP or Win 2k.