After setting up my new Vista Ultimate PC and getting tired of the UAC
prompts I turned it off. I have been an administrator on this system
from day one. After turnuing UAC off and rebooting the computer I
can no longer access My Microsoft Money file, when I turned on UAC I
can agian access the Money file. The sames happens with some "Real
Arcade games that were downloaded. I running the newest version of
Microsoft Money.
Can some one tell me what is happing and how to fix it so I can run
continue to be an administrator and turn off UAC, and still access my
prompts I turned it off. I have been an administrator on this system
from day one. After turnuing UAC off and rebooting the computer I
can no longer access My Microsoft Money file, when I turned on UAC I
can agian access the Money file. The sames happens with some "Real
Arcade games that were downloaded. I running the newest version of
Microsoft Money.
Can some one tell me what is happing and how to fix it so I can run
continue to be an administrator and turn off UAC, and still access my