Piet Linden
Well, maybe it's just me, but no matter what, I can't get it to
I have a table of queries...
QueryName Text(50) NOT NULL,
Sequence Integer)
What I am trying to do is populate one listbox (selected) with the
queries where the Sequence is not null and put the rest in the other
listbox. (available).
No matter what I do, I get hung up on converting the recordset to an
Okay, I *know* this is screwy... I was just trying to figure out how
to get the stupid thing to work... that's why all the weird code...
Private Sub cmdReloadDefaultList_Click()
Dim mmp As MultiPik
Dim varSelectedRows As Variant
Dim varAvailableRows As Variant
Dim strList As String
Dim intIndex As Integer
' process the selected set.
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT QueryName FROM
ztblQueries WHERE Sequence IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Sequence ASC;",
Do Until rs.EOF
'varSelectedRows(intCounter) = rs.Fields("QueryName")
strList = strList + "," & rs.Fields("QueryName")
Debug.Print "Selected: " & strList
strList = Right$(strList, Len(strList) - 1)
varSelectedRows = Split(strList, ",")
strList = ""
Set rs = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT QueryName FROM
ztblQueries WHERE Sequence IS NULL ORDER BY Sequence ASC;",
Do Until rs.EOF
strList = strList + "," & rs.Fields("QueryName")
strList = Right$(strList, Len(strList) - 1)
Debug.Print "Available: " & strList
varAvailableRows = Split(strList, ",")
Set rs = Nothing
'Debug.Print: Debug.Print "Available Rows"
'For intIndex = LBound(varAvailableRows) To UBound
' Debug.Print intIndex, varAvailableRows(intIndex)
'Next intIndex
' Debug.Print: Debug.Print "Selected Rows"
'For intIndex = LBound(varSelectedRows) To UBound(varSelectedRows)
' Debug.Print intIndex, varSelectedRows(intIndex)
'Next intIndex
If UBound(varAvailableRows) = 0 And UBound(varSelectedRows) = 0
'do nothing
Debug.Print "Available: " & UBound(varAvailableRows),
"Selected: " & UBound(varSelectedRows)
Set mmp = New MultiPik
Debug.Print "TestFail: ", IsArray(varSelectedRows), IsArray
If IsArray(varAvailableRows) And IsArray(varSelectedRows) Then
mmp.SetArrays varAvailableRows, varSelectedRows
End If
Set mmp = Nothing
End If
If all I really want is an array of AvailableRows and SelectedRows,
how do I build them?
I tried using GetRows and no matter what I did, it would fail - the
arrays would be empty. Read the "help", and as usual, convoluted as
all get out.
Weirdness... IsArray(varSelectedRows) returns True. don't think UBound
(var...Rows) works... (getting really late...)
Any idea what stupid mistake I'm making? This SHOULD be about as
simple as
but it ain't so, Joe!!!
Any idea what I"m doing wrong?
I have a table of queries...
QueryName Text(50) NOT NULL,
Sequence Integer)
What I am trying to do is populate one listbox (selected) with the
queries where the Sequence is not null and put the rest in the other
listbox. (available).
No matter what I do, I get hung up on converting the recordset to an
Okay, I *know* this is screwy... I was just trying to figure out how
to get the stupid thing to work... that's why all the weird code...
Private Sub cmdReloadDefaultList_Click()
Dim mmp As MultiPik
Dim varSelectedRows As Variant
Dim varAvailableRows As Variant
Dim strList As String
Dim intIndex As Integer
' process the selected set.
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT QueryName FROM
ztblQueries WHERE Sequence IS NOT NULL ORDER BY Sequence ASC;",
Do Until rs.EOF
'varSelectedRows(intCounter) = rs.Fields("QueryName")
strList = strList + "," & rs.Fields("QueryName")
Debug.Print "Selected: " & strList
strList = Right$(strList, Len(strList) - 1)
varSelectedRows = Split(strList, ",")
strList = ""
Set rs = DBEngine(0)(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT QueryName FROM
ztblQueries WHERE Sequence IS NULL ORDER BY Sequence ASC;",
Do Until rs.EOF
strList = strList + "," & rs.Fields("QueryName")
strList = Right$(strList, Len(strList) - 1)
Debug.Print "Available: " & strList
varAvailableRows = Split(strList, ",")
Set rs = Nothing
'Debug.Print: Debug.Print "Available Rows"
'For intIndex = LBound(varAvailableRows) To UBound
' Debug.Print intIndex, varAvailableRows(intIndex)
'Next intIndex
' Debug.Print: Debug.Print "Selected Rows"
'For intIndex = LBound(varSelectedRows) To UBound(varSelectedRows)
' Debug.Print intIndex, varSelectedRows(intIndex)
'Next intIndex
If UBound(varAvailableRows) = 0 And UBound(varSelectedRows) = 0
'do nothing
Debug.Print "Available: " & UBound(varAvailableRows),
"Selected: " & UBound(varSelectedRows)
Set mmp = New MultiPik
Debug.Print "TestFail: ", IsArray(varSelectedRows), IsArray
If IsArray(varAvailableRows) And IsArray(varSelectedRows) Then
mmp.SetArrays varAvailableRows, varSelectedRows
End If
Set mmp = Nothing
End If
If all I really want is an array of AvailableRows and SelectedRows,
how do I build them?
I tried using GetRows and no matter what I did, it would fail - the
arrays would be empty. Read the "help", and as usual, convoluted as
all get out.
Weirdness... IsArray(varSelectedRows) returns True. don't think UBound
(var...Rows) works... (getting really late...)
Any idea what stupid mistake I'm making? This SHOULD be about as
simple as
but it ain't so, Joe!!!
Any idea what I"m doing wrong?