Addressing problems in IE6.1


Steve Arndt

Whenever I enter a www address in the Address fields, the system
automatically comes back with a Cannot find server error while looking for
the site on my C drive.

For example,


C:\Documents and Settings/xxxxxx/Desktop/


Steve Arndt said:
Whenever I enter a www address in the Address fields, the system
automatically comes back with a Cannot find server error while looking for
the site on my C drive.

For example,


C:\Documents and Settings/xxxxxx/Desktop/
Are you disconnected from the Internet when this happens? Or are you online
and it comes back with a lead from your C:\> drive? When did this start
happening and what have you done with your system before this started? The
more specific you can be the better we can help you.

Steve Arndt

Online to Internet. If I type the full http:// address, it works fine. If
I type www it concatenates the values with the c path. I've run cwshredder,
spybot, and Ad Aware - none catch it. Did these because someone originally
took over my I.E and forced me to go to a site. Fixed that problem. But
this is still occuring. Run Zone Alarm Pro.

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