Addressess in address bar are removed after closing



I dont know if i changed one of my settings somewhere but I have IE6 and I
notice that my addresses dissapear from the address bar. They dont stay. Can
some one help?

Jan Il

Hi george :)

Try the following and see if it helps:

Clearing the TIF Cache -
Safely Delete the Temporary Internet Files


Tools>Internet Options>Content tab>click Autocomplete
Check all the boxes for features you want to use
Click Apply
Then OK


How to use the AutoComplete feature in Internet Explorer 5 and 6


IE not keeping my History

Turn off the ActiveX part of McAfee's Internet Filter


If you have McAfee AV running:

McAfee gave this solution to the bug where VirusScan 6 stops your Internet
Explorer History file working.

Open VirusScan console
Select "Pick a task..."
Select "Change my VirusScan settings"
Select "Configure VShield background scanning"
Select "Customise your VShield settings"

Select the "Internet Filter" icon from the icons down the left hand side On
the "Detection" tab, in the 'Applet filters' section, remove the tick next
to "ActiveX Controls".


Run regedit and navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|Main

and insure that Save_Session_History_On_Exit is marked YES and not NO. (I
just checked mine, and it is set to NO by default).


You might need to delete the damaged History folder- a new one will be
created on restart.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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I have tried all what you suggested, after 2 days my addresses in the address
bar dissapear. Could it be a virus causing this? I use nortons antivirus.
Please help

Jan Il

Hi george154302 :)

It is possible that some form of malware or virus is preventing the
addresses from being deleted. Try the following and see if it helps. Even
if you have already run some programs, run them again according to the
instructions in the information below to thoroughly clean you system. Some
variants of malware can replicate itself and return repeatedly if not
cleaned properly. It is best to read through all the information before you
start to know before hand what you need to do and how. Follow all
instructions to letter as much as possible.

WARNING>>>> Backup all documents and files before removing any spyware!!

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

What You Should Know About Spyware
Most importantly, be sure to run CWShredder here

Also this program searches for hidden .dlls that recreate the malware.
About Buster:

Then visit these two sites to test for parasites and help basic cleaning:

On-Line Check


Quick-Fix Protocol.

Basically, throw everything here at your "infection".

Also very important, be sure to use the HijackThis. Please DO NOT post your
log to this
newsgroup, but to the HiJackThis Support Forums below:
the Aumha HiJackThis Forum

or Bleeping Computer Forum

to allow the experts there to evaluate your log and advise you of any
necessary steps to clean your system.

(Note: You will have to Register before posting on these Forums. Please
follow all posting instructions carefully to avoid having your log deleted
or ignored.

CAUTION!!!!! Before you try to remove spyware using any of the programs
below, download a copy of LSPFIX from any of the following sites:
(if your OS is Win2k or XP) The process of removing certain malware may kill
your internet connection. If this should occur, this program, LSPFIX, will
enable you to regain your connection.

You should also get a copy of WINSOCKXPFIX available at:
WinsockXP Fix- WinXP
with instructions, at
also... From LavaSoft- all versions of Windows-
(NOTE: It is reported that in XP SP2, the command netsh winsock reset
will fix this problem without the need for these programs.)
or Winsock Fix Utility


Courtesy of Jim Byrd -

Download, from Trend Micro, here: along with the latest pattern
file, here:
Be sure to read the "How-to" info here:
You might also want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future
updating of these:
(If you download and use the updater from the beginning, it will
automatically handle downloading the other files. Place them in a dedicated
folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run. This scan may take a long
time, as Sysclean is VERY extensive and thorough

NOTE: If you can not download these programs from the Internet, if your PC
has CD read capabilities, go to another computer with CD-ROM burning
capabilities. Create a folder on the hard drive of the other computer called
HOLD, download the programs to that folder, then burn that folder to a CD.
Copy the HOLD folder to your HD and then install the programs from there
and run them. After you have IE access again, update all programs where
possible to get the latest definitions and run them again in Safe Mode to be
sure there are no lingering items on the system.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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