Address label help

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lost printer

I am new to excel and I have a client that has a mailing list that wa
scanned and now in a word doc with 3 or 4 lines. ie
Address 2
City state zip

with nothing breaking the City state zip but a space. how can I conver
this to an excell file with 7 fields ( Last name, first name....) ?

Have a look at Data/Text to columns, it is almost self-explanatory!


„lost printer†ezt írta:
Text to columns will not help you, that is to separate items
on the same line.

Possibly you do something in MS Word with what you have,
but I only can suggest a solution of pasting your data
into Excel then doing the following.

To prepare the data if it is in Excel you have see

then for help if needed with Mail Merge see

and at the bottom of that section are links to two macros
use the NAddr3SS macro and reply with 0 since you have a blank
line between sets. If the data does not come into Excel as
you indicated with then there are other solutions on the page as well.
On a copy, so as to keep the original safe, I would use Find and Replac
to put a comma in to every space. This CSV file (comma separated value
could then be merged onto an excel sheet. See CSV here Depending on th
fields used along Row 1, you could merge all first names in to th
first column, the last names in to the second column, and so on. With
little trial and error, most names and address will line up correctly
with (hopefully) only the odd ones that need to be changed manually.
I've done this to a similar files as yours and with a bit of patienc
it is possible to do. If things do go wrong, you will still have th
original in a safe place
No the data is on separate rows.
The poster needs to use a macro, if not a macro there
are still other solutions there using worksheet formula, from
another worksheet and dependent on there being no
exceptions to how many rows per addressee.
(see what I posted befored).

When finished separating the City ST zip
is trivial if the State is a two character state code
Otherwise you may have to make changes first to
combine words in states that begin with New, North,
South by including a period after, separating and then
removing the period.