Address drop down Button/Bar

  • Thread starter Laverne R. George
  • Start date

Laverne R. George

On the first time I click on the IE 6 Address Drop down
button/bar to look at previous links it takes around 3 to
4 minutes to return the cuser to me.

All other times during this session of IE 6 is fine.
response is quick.

If I drop the IE 6 session and start another session
the Address drop down buttong/bar goes through the same 3
to 4 minutes to return the cuser.

There must be something that has to be set inorder to
stop the timed cuser release.

Can you help???

Laverne R. George
(e-mail address removed)

Don Varnau

I don't think this is the solution, but it's too quick and too easy to not
Download and run Free History Eraser from This program will
delete your History folder.

Or, to delete the History folder manually:
How To Delete the Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files:

If deleting the History folder doesn't help, work through the solutions at:
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:
This may well be a parasite problem.


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