Address Box

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I don't understand what web pages are saved to the Address Box drop down menu
and what web pages are ignored. It seems that only a few are chosen to
appear there and others are ignored.

Can someone explain how that works? How many are saved? Which ones are
saved? How long they remain.

Thanks in advance
ComputerCJ said:
I don't understand what web pages are saved to the Address Box drop down
and what web pages are ignored. It seems that only a few are chosen to
appear there and others are ignored.

Can someone explain how that works? How many are saved? Which ones are
saved? How long they remain.

Thanks in advance

Mostly it's addresses that you have entered into the Address bar by typing
of pasting.
As Frank says, the ones you type in or paste in.
The last 25 are held. They remain until you type or paste another in
to replace one.
