Address Bar is Empty on Extra Pages.

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If I open more than 1 page, the extra pages do not have anything in the
address bar-- it's blank. If I click the "down button", I get a blue space
the same size as the drop-down addresses, with nothing else. If I click it
again, the address bar disappears, but then will re-appear if I click it
again. This just started about a week ago. Is this anything to be concerned
about ?? What is it, and how do I fix it.??
Windows XP SP2, IE6.
Thanks to all.
Brillig said:
If I open more than 1 page, the extra pages do not have anything in the
address bar-- it's blank. If I click the "down button", I get a blue space
the same size as the drop-down addresses, with nothing else. If I click it
again, the address bar disappears, but then will re-appear if I click it
again. This just started about a week ago. Is this anything to be concerned
about ?? What is it, and how do I fix it.??
Windows XP SP2, IE6.
Thanks to all.

Does the same space show when you press F4?
And disappear again when you press F4 again?
If that dropdown list is blank it just means that there
is nothing currently kept in the TypedURLs list.
That could happen if you don't use the Address bar
for anything. E.g. if you only opened URLs by clicking
on links in Favorites or only used the File, Open dialog
none of those procedures would change the TypedURLs list.

If you want to see something in the TypedURLs list
you could try entering in the Address bar:



Robert Aldwinckle
Thsnks for responding, Sorry I took so long to get back here.
I get address bar information on the first window I have open, but not on
any others.
In these other windows, pressing F4 makes the address bar disappear and
re-appear, but nothing else.
I can type addresses in the address bar, but it again disappears and
re-appears as I type. Pressing the "GO" button does nothing.
There should be lots of previously typed address in the drop down bar, and,
Thanks for responding; Sorry I took so long to get back here.

I get address information in the first page that I open, but not in any
other pages open.
Pressing F4 makes the address bar disappear and re-appear.
I can type addresses into the bar, but the bar disappears and re-appears as
I type, and when I click on "go", nothing happens.
There should be lots of addresses in the drop-down bar; there were before.
Thanks for your help. What should I do next ??
I got fed up and just lived with it for a while, but now I have my other
problem solved >> that Outlook Express got de-registered ( I think ) when I
ditched Office "97 for Office 2000 >> Anyhow, that's fixed, but I still have
the problem of " No entries in Address Bar on Any Pages Except The 1st One".
I have tried the fixes suggested: nothing has happened. Is there something
else I can try??? AND by the way, Is it safe to upgrade to IE7 with this
problem still occurring, or will the upgrade fix it ???? Thanks to all, I
appreciate what you people do for people like me.
11-24-06. I downloaded IE7, hoping that it might fix the problem for me, but
no luck. The IE7 download went well, and IE seemed to work well, but I
couldn't get to anything in the Start > All Programs menu. I would click it
and nothing would happen. I did have addresses in extra windows. I couldn't
get to "Add / Remove Programs ", so I had to use System Restore to go back to
IE6. I went through this twice, with the same results. I had to re-boot to
get to "System Restore". Any thoughts ????
Thanks to all.