Hi Tony,
From Start | Run, I type "explorer" in the box with a label
"Open:" on its left.
That is the Run command, aka the Run box, Start\Run or Start | Run etc.
Typing explorer in Start | Run opens Windows Explorer (explorer.exe) at My
There a many reasons why the Address bar is missing/messed up.
Try this. If you have the Links bar showing.
Right click up at the top, above the Address bar and select Lock the
Toolbars to unlock the Toolbars (there will be a check mark if it is
locked). Right click again and uncheck Links. Does the full Address bar
If the Address bar appears and you want the Links bar back, try this.
Right click up at the top, above the Address bar and select Links. Move
your cursor to the left of the Links bar until the cursor changes to a
double-headed arrow, left click and drag it to the right until the Address
bar appears the way that you want it. Now right click up at the top, above
the Address bar and select Lock the Toolbars to lock the Toolbars. Locking
the Toolbars again should keep the Address bar from being hidden again.
If none of that worked.
Hit your F11 key to get out of Full Screen mode. The F11 key toggles
between Full Screen mode and a Normal or Maximized window.
Some more info on the Run command.
Open box
[[Provides a place for you to type the location and file name of the program
you want to run. If you are not sure of the program's location or file name,
click Browse. You can make a temporary network connection by typing the path
to a shared computer. You can also gain access to the Internet by typing the
address (URL) of the site you want to open. ]]
OK button
[[Opens the file or path specified and closes the dialog box.]]
The Enter key does the same thing.
Cancel button
[[Closes the dialog box without opening the file or path specified.]]
Browse button
[[Click to browse through folders to find the file you want.]]