If Auto Resolution is the useful feature you're talking about, they didn't
really do away with it; you can still force a resolution against your
contacts by pressing CTRL+K, and if you try to send an e-mail with only a
partial address typed in (and none of the AutoComplete entries match),
Outlook will suggest possible matches from Contacts or ask you to choose a
name from Contacts if there are no obvious matches.
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transport Protocol. It's typically used to send
internet e-mail messages. See
http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,289893,sid9_gci214219,00.html for
a description in not-too-technical terms. I don't really have a good answer
for you as to why the SMTP was added...what method did you use for the
Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook
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