Karel Van Dorpe said:
I have 2 sites.
1 site has a DC, the other an additional DC.
What type of DNS-server has to be configured?
both primary AD-integrated?
de DC's have the same zones.
thank you.
If both DCs are part of the same domain, and they have the same zone on
them, then it's recommended to use AD Integrated zones.
Now it is confusing that you say you have the same zones on each DNS server.
You're going to need to clarify to better understand what you have:
1. Are you saying that one server is hosting a Primary zone and the other is
a secondary zone
2. or are you saying one is an AD integrated zone and the other is secondary
3. are you saying that both zones on both DNS servers are Primary zones?
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory
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