strumpet said:
i received one reply to my original question and supplied an answer as
requested now whats the status?
???? You should not make a new post about the same subject. Go back to
your original thread. You have to be patient; this is not Microsoft
tech support. You are posting in a newsgroup and while some MS
employees occasionally post here, the majority of people helping out
are volunteers who do not work for the company, and who live all over
the world in different time zones. And, amazing as it may seem, some of
us do have things to do in RealLife(tm) besides answer questions on
I don't have an answer for your question and maybe Shenan will come back
and maybe she won't. Maybe someone else will know the answer and come
along. In the meantime, read about Usenet so you'll have a better
understanding of what to expect here: - Basics
of Usenet