33woodsy said:
Hi,Am an just an average joe who needs HELP badly.......
WORD/EXCEL/POwerpoint I,m sure were installed, but now I have problem
finding if I still have in computer somewhere!
Do you have a "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OfficeXX" (the "XX"
representing a version number) folder on your hard drive? If not, you
don't have Office or any of it's applications installed. Either they
were never there, or you (or some one else with access to your computer)
deliberately un-installed them.)
Have had my Sony Viao for 5 years
1. Havent got my original XP installation disk anymore!
Doesn't matter, in this case.
Neither the Microsoft Office application suite, nor any of its
individual component applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access,
Outlook, etc.), have _ever_ been "part" of *any* Windows operating
system. They are, and always have been, separate applications, that
must be purchased and installed separately. Microsoft Office comes
pre-installed on new computers only when the computer manufacturer
chooses to offer it, and the purchaser is willing to pay extra for it.
2, Can only get to use System Restore for 1 month previously(surely not
right in itself......
And that would only restore WinXP system files, anyway, not any
applications or data.
I,ve found Wordpad.exe file, but read somewhere I have to expand it???
That makes no sense, so you'll have to refer to whatever source you
first read.
My default editing programme is still Notepad and want to change....!!!
What, specifically, do you want to edit? For simple text files,
Notepad is adequate, and Wordpad is good for creating slightly more
complex documents.
Must say, I,ve learnt a lot reading all the different posts......Thankyou
for all your help.......
If Microsoft Office did originally come with the computer, you need
only reinstall it from the disks that also would have come with the
computer. If you had purchased and installed a separate retail copy of
Office, again, you need simply reinstall it from the original
installations CDs. If you can no longer find the original disks, and
insist on having Microsoft Office, you'll most likely need to purchase a
new copy.
Alternatively, for the budget-minded (who also don't need all of
Office's more sophisticated features), there's the free, open source
Bruce Chambers
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Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell
The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot