Adding values from previous worksheets



I am having problems adding values from previous worksheets in a

I realize that I must reference the sheet in my formulas, but I am
doing this for many multiple columns and rows. Below is the formula
that I am using in one column:


I am having to change all the sheet #’s in my formulas for every time I
create a copy of the previous worksheet, and I am creating one worksheet
for every week of the year. Way too much typing since this formula is
being used in so many cells.

I got searching around and I found a function that I think would work.
It is located here:

But since I am so new to Excel, I am having difficulty understanding
how to use it. Am I close in any of my assumptions or am I way off

If I do need to use part of the function in the above address, can
someone show me how to use it and maybe give me a simple example so I
can type it into Excel and see it work. Then I could probably
understand how to apply it to my application.

New To Excel

Don Cameron

Hi firecord
An alternative approach (no macros)
Within Sheet1 create a cell say Z17 (which could be in a hidden column)
containing the sum of cells F17,H17,J17 etc
Now in your workbook if the sheets are named 'Summary', 'First', 'Second',
'Third', 'Last' (with as many sheets between as you require)
The Summary Sheet can contain a cell with the formula =SUM(First:Last!Z17)
This will be the total of all the cell Z17's in the worksheets between First
and Last (inclusive)
I does not matter how many sheets (within the limit) you add or what you
call them, as long as First and Last are not renamed it will always work.
Obviously you could do the same with individual cells if required.


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