You will need script for that. This one probably has way more stuff then you
need but should give you an idea. The script center will help you with many
tasks like this.
Const ForReading = 1
Set oFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set oTF = oFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\dealercontact1.csv",ForReading,True)
Do While oTF.AtEndOfStream <> True
sLine = oTF.ReadLine
aLine = split(sline, ",",-1,1)
sCN = aLine(0) & " " & aline(1)
sNick = aline(0) & aline(1)
sPhone = aLine(2)
sCompany = aLine(3)
sTitle = aline(4)
sStreet = aLine(5)
sCity = aLine(6)
sState = aLine(7)
sZIP = aLine(8)
sEmail = lcase(left(aLine(0),1) & aLine(1)) & "@galaxy.nasa"
sWWW = aLine(10)
sLogon = left(aLine(0),1) & aLine(1)
sPass = aLine(11)
Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://ou=dealers,dc=galaxy,dc=nasa")
Set objUser = objOU.Create("user", "cn=" & sCN)
On Error Resume Next
objuser.put "sAMAccountName", lcase(sLogon)
objuser.put "givenName", aLine(0)
objuser.put "sn", aline(1)
objuser.put "userPrincipalName", lcase(sLogon) & "@galaxy.nasa"
objuser.put "mail", sEmail
objuser.put "mailnickname", sNick
objuser.put "DisplayName", sCN
objuser.put "name", sCN
objuser.put "mobile", sCell
objuser.put "company", sCompany
objuser.put "department", "Dealer"
objuser.put "description", sCompany
objuser.put "proxyAddresses", "SMTP:" & sEmail
objuser.put "targetAddress", "SMTP:" & sEmail
objuser.put "telephoneNumber", sPhone
objuser.put "st" , sState
objuser.put "l", sCity
objuser.put "streetaddress" , sStreet
objuser.put "postalCode", sZIP
objUser.put "c", "US"
objuser.put "title", sTitle
objuser.put "wwwHomePage", sWWW
objuser.AccountExpirationDate = "01/01/1970"
objUser.setpassword "nasa"
objuser.accountdisabled = FALSE