adding/update new field

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
  • Start date Start date


I have a table with Price as one field. I have added a new field called
NewPrice. There are over 60,000 lines in the database. How do I make
NewPrice = Price/.092? (8% increase).

They are both on sheet1. Keep in mind, I am an idiot when it comes to
Access. I know how in excel but there are too many lines for excel.
Therefore, I am learning Access.

I have a table with Price as one field. I have added a new field called
NewPrice. There are over 60,000 lines in the database. How do I make
NewPrice = Price/.092? (8% increase).

They are both on sheet1. Keep in mind, I am an idiot when it comes to
Access. I know how in excel but there are too many lines for excel.
Therefore, I am learning Access.


Excel is a spreadsheet, a very good one.

Access is a relational database.

THEY ARE DIFFERENT. You can drive nails with a crescent wrench, but
that does NOT make it a hammer! A table *is not a sheet*, and does not
and should not contain expressions or calculated fields!

If you want to update all the Price records in your table to the
current value in the field multiplied by 1.08 (dividing $100 by .092
gives you $1086.95, a somewhat larger increase than you state!), use
an Update Query updating the field to that value. If you want to see
the old price in one field (NOT column... again, it's NOT A
SPREADSHEET) and the new price in a different field, create a Query
and type the desired expression in a vacant Field cell and open the
query datasheet.

You should really pause and do some reading about how relational
databases work if you're going to be using Access; if you treat it as
a "big version of Excel" you'll have no end of problems!
Thanks John.

I forgot to change the query to "Update". Also, I am dividing by .92
because I am not really having an 8% increase. Consider it to be like a
consignment store and the store is takiing 8% off the top. Therefore 100 X
1.08 = 108.00 but 8% of 108.00 is 8.64. Leaving me with only 99.36. Deviding
100.00 by .92 sets the price at 108.70. Then when they take 8% (108.70 X .08
= 8.70) I still have 100.00.

Also, I understand relational databases. For this message I only stated the
necessary info. Currently I have over 120 excel spread sheets. One for each
of my vendors. In order to organize/simplify the data, in addition to
tracking changes, I am building a database as it should have been from the

Thanks again.

Thanks John.

I forgot to change the query to "Update". Also, I am dividing by .92
because I am not really having an 8% increase. Consider it to be like a
consignment store and the store is takiing 8% off the top. Therefore 100 X
1.08 = 108.00 but 8% of 108.00 is 8.64. Leaving me with only 99.36. Deviding
100.00 by .92 sets the price at 108.70. Then when they take 8% (108.70 X .08
= 8.70) I still have 100.00.

Ah! just a typo and I didn't make the rather obvious correction.
Also, I understand relational databases. For this message I only stated the
necessary info. Currently I have over 120 excel spread sheets. One for each
of my vendors. In order to organize/simplify the data, in addition to
tracking changes, I am building a database as it should have been from the

And sorry again for the lecture. From the text of your message it
appeared that you were mired in spreadsheet mode... and it's good to
see that you aren't. Sometimes I jump to unwarrented conclusions!